All companies that do business with Arkansas independent wine and spirits retailers are invited and encouraged to join United Beverage Retailer of Arkansas as an Associate Member.
Your support as an UBRA Associate Member helps UBRA achieve its mission of unifying and providing representation for all of our state’s independent wine and spirits retailers. Your membership will also help UBRA realize its goal of being the state’s premiere industry association focused on retailer enrichment.
There are three levels of membership to meet the needs of businesses large and small.
Membership Levels & Benefits:
Benefactor Industry Members (Diamond)- $20,000
- Opportunity to meet with UBRA Board of Directors.
- Convention podium access.
- Access to district meetings.
- Prominent logo and link placement on UBRA website.
- Recognition of your company in UBRA newsletters and other external UBRA communiqué.
- Recognition of your company at our quarterly and annual meetings, and at any other association-sponsored function.
- Free registration to our annual meeting and other scheduled events.
- Exclusive rights to advertise or send sponsored messages to Arkansas beverage retailers.
- Insight into UBRA's legislative goals.
- Business introduction e-mail to all Arkansas retailers.
Patriot Industry Members (Platinum)- $10,000
- Convention podium access.
- Access to district meetings.
- Prominent logo and link placement on UBRA website.
- Recognition of your company in UBRA newsletters and other external UBRA communiqué.
- Recognition of your company at our quarterly and annual meetings, and at any other association-sponsored function.
- Free registration to our annual meeting and other scheduled events.
- Exclusive rights to advertise or send sponsored messages to Arkansas beverage retailers.
- Insight into UBRA's legislative goals.
- Business introduction e-mail to all Arkansas retailers.
Sustaining Industry Members (Gold)- $2,500
- Prominent logo and link placement on UBRA website.
- Recognition of your company in UBRA newsletters and other external UBRA communiqué.
- Recognition of your company at our quarterly and annual meetings, and at any other association-sponsored function.
- Special discounts on registration fees to our annual meeting and other scheduled events.
- Exclusive rights to advertise or send sponsored messages to Arkansas beverage retailers.
- Insight into UBRA's legislative goals.
- Business introduction e-mail to all Arkansas retailers.
Friends of the Industry (Silver) - $1,000
- Prominent logo and link placement on UBRA website.
- Recognition of your company in UBRA newsletters and other external UBRA communiqué.
- Recognition of your company at our quarterly and annual meetings, and at any other association-sponsored function.
- Special discounts on registration fees to our annual meeting and other scheduled events.
- Business introduction e-mail to all Arkansas retailers.
Startup Friends (Bronze)- $250
- Company Listing and link placement on UBRA website.
- Recognition of your company in UBRA newsletters and other external UBRA communiqué.